Tree Office in the media 2025-02-08 Read Johan Östberg's and Pernilla Johansson's debate article in Svenska Dagbladet about excessive clearing of city trees and bushes. 2024-11-26 Historic tree meets modern technology - With the help of tomography, the stately ash tree at Visby Ringwall, planted in 1880, is now being examined to determine its future. Read more about the in-depth examination of the ash tree. 2024-09-07 Read our opinion piece on why we should protect our cities with more greenery. 2024-08-19 Take part in our exciting speech and panel debate in Almedalen 2024. The panel consisted of Karin Tegmark Wisell, Karin Stenmar, Charlotte Persson, Fredrik Drotte and Anton Spets. 2024-08-16 Hear Gustav Nässlander talk about the concept of Kvartersskog and the importance of trees in cities to create shade and coolness (fast forward to 01:39:40). 2024-07-10 Read our opinion piece Svenska Dagbladet on increased tree cover in Swedish cities 2024-01-30 Watch Gustav Nässlander and Gabor Goertz webinar on Smart Tree Inventory. 2023-08-17 Listen to Gustav Nässlander talk about laser scanning in Malmö. 2023-08-17 Watch Gustav Nässlander talk about laser scanning in Malmö. 2023-08-17 Watch Gustav Nässlander talk about laser scanning in Malmö. 2023-04-28 Read how Frida Bruhn talks about protecting trees in construction. 2022-12-16 Listen to Kalle Ågren talk about the inventory project in Eskilstuna. 2022-12-15 Read when Elin Rowicki and Kalle Ågren talk about the tree inventory in Eskilstuna. 2022-09-22 Watch Johan Östberg talk about the importance of trees. 2022-08-20 Read Gustav Nässlander and Johan Östberg's article on greenwashing. 2022-06-02 Listen to Johan Östberg talk about why we should follow the 3-30-300 rule. 2022-05-15 Read about Gustav Nässlander's guided tour in Malmö. 2021-05-15 Listen to Gustav Nässlander talk about MKB's project to plant 500 trees. 2021-01-29 Read how Elin Rowicki and Johan Östberg talk about the tree walk in Malmö. 2018-11-23 Read when Johan Östberg talks about the deforestation in Tylösand. 2018-07-31 Watch Johan Östberg talk about how heat affects sudden branch fall.